Sumoline Manhole rehabilitation

Nuflow’s solution for
deteriorating manholes

Manhole Rehabilitation

As manholes reach the end of their lifespan, their deterioration can start to cause significant problems and put additional strain on sewer systems. With Nuflow’s manhole rehabilitation system, our technicians are able to repair cracks, seal against water intrusion, and create an ongoing resistance to H2S and microbial-induced corrosion (MIC).

Nuflow’s manhole rehabilitation products have been scientifically designed to bond to each other, locking on to the base and walls of the manhole to create a gas-tight seal.

With minimal environmental impact, Nuflow’s manhole rehabilitation solution is ideal for manholes located in residential backyards, roadways and amenity blocks.

Nuflow offers both a manhole base rehabilitation, or a full structural rehabilitation.

To rehabilitate the base of manholes, we use a combination of products to clean and repair the benching and channels. For a full manhole rehabilitation, we provide a structural manhole repair solution with a complete seal, right up to the manhole cover.

Manhole base rehabilitation process

To rehabilitate the base of manholes, we use a combination of products to clean and repair the benching and channels.

CleanClean and remove debris from the benching and channel
Reshape, repair and seal any major breaks or cracks in the channel
Apply repair coating to the
base and wall of the manhole
Install Blueline pipe relining to the channel

Full Structural Manhole Rehabilitation Process

With our full manhole rehabilitation system, we can provide a structural manhole repair solution with a complete seal, right up to the manhole cover.

Clean and remove ladder rung
Seal against water infiltration
Repair any major breaks or cracks
Install Sumoline structural manhole liner
Reinstate any pipe connections
Clean and remove debris from the benching and channel
Reshape, repair and seal any major breaks or cracks in the channel
Apply repair coating to the base of the manhole
Install Blueline pipe relining to the channel
Repair the benching

Exclusive Junction Repair Technology

Nuflow is the only Australian manufacturing company that can reline junctions in one complete process – saving time, money, and avoiding future costly failures. Unlike most other companies, we reline 1m – 1.2m past joints to help extend the life and strength of the junction.

We can extend from the lateral connection to the property boundary, giving peace of mind to asset owners and reducing risk of tree root intrusion and collapse.

More than just manholes

internal risers

Dead end lines

Jump ups

Mainline or
connection rehabilitation

Talk to us today about your manhole rehabilitation project

We’ll help you install a structured, fit-for-purpose system, that is backed by Nuflow’s up to 30-year warranty and 50-
year guarantee on design life.
Complete the form below to find out more.

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